Seaside Primary School

Seaside Primary School


About us page

Seaside Primary School

Seaside Primary is a public primary level educational institution in Jamaica owned by the Society of Friends (Quaker) and operates under the Ministry of Education Youth and Information. 

We are located in Hector's River, Portland Jamaica WI. 

School Board Chairman is Mr Norton Lewis

School Principal is Mr Adli Lewis JP

Staff of Seaside Primary

From left to right front row: Mrs Goodlett, Ms Fairweather, Ms Williams, Ms Ashley and Mr Corrodus. 

From Left to right back row: Mr Burke, two trainees, Mr Lewis (Principal) and Mrs McKenzie

Principal - Adli Lewis JP

Principal - Adli Lewis JP

Meet our Principal

Our Principal has successfully completed leadership training with the National College for Educational Leadership NCEL Jamaica in Child Friendly School, 3R Frame work for School Leaders, Round 1 Effective Principal Training Programme. He is currently enrolled in the Inclusive Leadership course and Round 2 of the Effective Principal Training Programme. Professional development continues to be his hallmark for success. 

We are at our best when we remain united and positive

Today we celebrated the end of a successful tenure for Mr Dillon Leavas. We wish for him all the best and long life of success wherever the path may take him. "Walk good sir..."